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This is what a PC consists of...

How to place order

Don't know where to start with all the technical gibberish?
Here is a simplified breakdown of all the components we ask you to list for your build.

PC case: 
Okay, this is simple. Its just where everything fits into and its also the most visible part of the build, so pick one that suits your taste!

This is just the area that all the components connect to recieve power. They come in 3 sizes: ATX, Micro ATX and nano ATX.

Processor - (CPU): 
This is the brains of the PC and the part which controls how 'fast' it is. There are 2 types of main processor: AMD and Intel. The better the processor, the faster the PC.

Graphics card - (GPU):
This is the most expensive part of the build.
It controls the amount of graphics detail that the PC can handle.
They come in different models and size capacity's. The higher the capacity (Gigabyte) the more power it packs and the more smoothe performance the PC has.
This is only needed for gaming PCs.

Memory - (RAM): 
This more RAM you have, the more your PC can multitask. However you need a minimum of 4GB RAM for your PC to function.

Hard drive - (HDD):
Quite simple - The bigger it is (GB), the more stuff you can hold on your PC.

Solid state drive - (SSD)
This is just a faster type of storage that your can have instead of a hard drive or as well as one.

Cooler (Optional):
These can be Air coolers (fans) or water coolers which require a radiator. These are just to keep your PC cool and quiet.

Optional extras:
such as LEDs, Fan controllers, DVD drives etc.

Step 1: Find out what you need.
Search around on the internet to find out what components you will want in your build OR contact us to hear our recommendations for your requirements.

Step 2: Get a quote on our page. (Optional)
Fill out a form telling us what parts you would like in your build and we will quote you a price.

Just click the 'get quote' button at the bottom of the page.

Step 3: Confirm your build.
Email us the full specifications for your build and you will be given a price.

You should include all specifications on the left of the page.

We will email you to confirm the specifications for your PC and you will be given our business  Paypal account to pay the cost into.

You must also include a delivery address so we can send the package to you.

We will then order your chosen components from trusted sources and commence building.

Step 4: Wait for your dream PC to be delivered.

We will send you a receipt for your order and it will be delivered for free within 14 working days to your chosen delivery address. 

You will also be given a copy of the order details of your chosen components that we have ordered to complete your PC build.

Ready to build?

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